Then the power series (cv(z — a)v) is absolutely summable in P and its sum
is equal to f(z).

Using Cauchy's formula, and the fact that/(0; %) = 1 (see (9.8.4)), we
have, by induction on p — k and the assumption,

( /(*!,..., x,,zfc+1,...,zp)
_. 1 f dx f dx ... f
— /~ .-vD-.fe I axk+i I axk+2
(2ni)p *Jyfc+1 Jyk+2 Jyp(
for \Xj - aj\ = rs (1 <y < k) and \Zj - a}\ < rj (k + 1 <y </>). On the
other hand, for \zk — %| < rfc (1 < k^p), we can write, for |^ - ak\ = rk

the power series on the right hand side being normally summable in the
set F defined by \xk — ak\*=rk (1 <£</>)» hy (5.5.3). By induction on
p — fc, if we write

f(xl9 ...,xp)dxp
we have by the mean value theorem

np,...9 m
rk+l rp
if II /(^i> •••,xp)\\ <M on F. It follows that the power series
(^+i.-.n>i> •••>**)^ in the mzJ~aJ is ab'
solutely summable in P; using induction on;? - k, and applying (5.3.5) and
(8.7.9), we see that the sum of that series isf(xly ...9xk9 zk+l9 . . . , zp). The
conclusion follows by taking k = 0. Moreover (, for k = 0, proves
that, with the same assumptions and notations as in (9.9.4)

(9.9.5) lkw...BJ<M/rJ1---r;*
tf !!/(*) II <M on the product of the circles \xk-ak\=rk (l^k^p)
(Cauchy's inequalities).

If in (9.9.4) we take A = (7, we see that
(9.9.6) An analytic mapping ofCp into a complex Banach space is an entire